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警告:莫斯科校园课程取消,非必要办公室关闭本周剩余时间(11月11日). 9-10).

Physical Address:
Administration Building
Room 201
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr.
MS 3157
Moscow, ID

Phone: 208-885-2468

Fax: 208-885-6558



Frequently Asked Questions

如下所述,《365滚球官网》中概述的偏见类别仅限于实际情况 or perceived race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin and disability. 破坏者气候教育和支持小组也处理任何非犯罪行为, conduct, speech or expression motivated, in whole or in part, by the victim's actual or perceived citizenship or nationality, marital status, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information, socioeconomic status, age or other social identity.

珍妮·克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案(或克莱里法案), signed in 1990, 是否有联邦法规将仇恨犯罪定义为“向当地警察机构或校园安全部门报告的犯罪行为,并有证据表明受害者是故意选择的,因为犯罪者对受害者有偏见?. For the purposes of this section, the categories of bias include the victim's actual or perceived race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin and disability.” (34 CFR § 668.46).

For an act to qualify as a hate crime, two variables must be present:

  1. A crime must take place; and
  2. 犯罪的动机必须是对联邦特征的偏见, state and/or local statutes.

To report an incident of prejudice, intolerance or bias, please go to VandalCARE, a community initiative that strives to provide care and concern for students, staff and faculty who may be in distress. 在那里,您可以选择提交CARE报告、Title IX报告或行为报告. 向破坏者气候教育和支持小组报告事件以供审查, select the CARE Reporting link.

We encourage you to report regardless. The trained experts on the Vandal Climate Education and Support Team 会否决定问题的性质,酌情转介或报告执法部门.

虽然《365滚球官网》保护可能冒犯某些人的思想的自由表达,但这并不意味着大学无能为力. Instead of trying to censor or punish an individual’s right to free speech, the Vandal Climate Education and Support Team documents and tracks reports, in order to:

  • 协助受害者/目标获得适当的服务(如有要求);
  • Detect emerging patterns;
  • Develop programming and training opportunities to address those patterns of prejudice or intolerance; and
  • 向校园领导提出建议,以预防和应对未来的偏见事件, intolerance, bias or hate crimes.

不受第一修正案保护的仇恨或偏见行为上升到犯罪水平的人可能会受到纪律处分或起诉. Possible examples include physical assault, vandalism, trespassing, harassment, incitement or genuine threats of violence.

Yes, because the Vandal Climate Education and Support Team 相信当我们的学生或员工参与进来时,校园社区和气候可能会超出校园边界. 团队可能会以上述方式应对校外事件,因为了解社区中正在发生的事情使我们能够提供支持, resources, services and education that can be tailored to address community needs. The success and retention of our students and employees 是否依赖于他们生活、工作和学习的环境以及他们所获得的支持.

Regardless of whether you report an incident, 如果你想简单地和别人谈谈你所经历或目睹的事情,这个校园里有很多资源. 您可以联系破坏者气候教育和支持团队的任何成员或保密人员来听取您的担忧, such as:

  • A counselor from the Counseling and Mental Health Center (208-885-6716);
  • An advocate from Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse (208-883-HELP);
  • A staff member at the Women's Center (208-885-2777); or
  • The University Ombuds (208-885-7668).

所有这些办事处都遵守某种形式的保密规定,并在无法保密的情况下作出解释. 他们将协助您解决您的问题或将您转介到适当的办公室.

Yes. VandalCARE is for students, staff and faculty. We encourage all members of our community to utilize the VandalCARE report page as a resource.

If you experience or witness an instance of prejudice or intolerance, or bias or a hate crime as defined by the Clery Act, first ensure your safety and well-being and that of those around you. Should you feel unsafe or at risk of imminent harm, call 911. 您也可以拨打208-882-2677与莫斯科警方联系,了解过去发生的事件或不会立即造成危险. Once you feel secure, document as much of the incident as possible, which includes taking pictures, should there be visible evidence. Make sure to submit a report on VandalCARE and attach any documentation that you may have collected. The Vandal Climate Education and Support Team 是否会协助您联系执法部门以提交您的报告,如果您选择这样做.

If you are in a position to play a supporting role, 记住,仇恨的受害者/目标通常有三个基本和直接的需求:需要感到安全, the need to be heard and the need to know what happens next. 尽你所能创造安全感,提供同理心,然后探索和沟通行动步骤.

被认定从事偏见或仇恨犯罪的个人(受访者)将以符合大学政策的方式进行调查, if applicable. 如果该事件可能违反了伊利诺伊大学的非歧视政策和/或学生行为准则, the respondent will be referred to the appropriate investigative body. 有关事项可提交民权和调查办公室(OCRI)进行调查, to Office of the Dean of Students for adjudication, where respondents are afforded all rights and procedures available under FSH 2200 and FSH 2300 如果调查发现违规行为,也可以向监管机构举报 FSH 3200, FSH 3210, FSH 3215 or FSH 3220.

As with all reports, our process is private. The individual(s) who file through VandalCARE will work with the Vandal Climate Education and Support Team to discuss their resources and options available. 团队成员可能会主动联系您,参与有关事件的自愿讨论, which any individual may choose to decline. Should any formal complaint, grievance or adjudication proceedings be pursued, you will be notified in accordance with the relevant and applicable policy.

Prejudices and bias often are unintentional! Bias is typically an unconscious attitude; thus, 采取教育方法来解决无意的偏见事件是很重要的. 无论意图如何,我们都会评估事件对他人的影响,因此 VandalCARE 在这些情况下应提交报告,以便我们可以伸出援助之手,提供支持和资源.

伊利诺伊大学将所有偏见或不宽容的表现形式视为与我们作为大学和社区的使命背道而驰,并将其视为对每个人安全学习和工作环境权利的威胁. Therefore, all such incidents must be addressed appropriately, which depends on the nature of the incident, the people involved and the location of the incident. Submitting this form 会帮助我们更好地了解我们的校园氛围,并帮助创造一个每个人都感到受欢迎的环境吗.

Physical Address:
Administration Building
Room 201
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr.
MS 3157
Moscow, ID

Phone: 208-885-2468

Fax: 208-885-6558

